Our Most Popular Services
Other services available, please inquire.
Crankshaft Work
- Straighten crankshaft
- Grind crankshaft
- Radius oil holes in crankshaft
- Cross drill crankshaft
- Polish crankshaft
- Degrease block
- Degrease crankshaft
- Degrease connecting rods
- Magnaflux connecting rods
- Magnaflux block
- Magnaflux heads
- Magnaflux crankshaft
- Magnaflux misc. parts
Connecting Rod & Piston Work
- Recondition big end of connecting rods
- Bush pin end of rods
- Side clearance rods
- Polish rod beams
- Shot peen connecting rods
- Check rod/piston alignment
- Press pistons to remove/replace
- Pin fit pistons for proper clearance
- Machine valve reliefs
- Machine valve reliefs (dual plane)
- Machine valve reliefs (compound angle)
- Machine piston tops flat
- Machine dish dome
- Glass bead pistons
Cylinder Head Work
- Competition valve job
- Install bronze guides & precision hone for proper clearance
- Install cast guides
- Machine for larger valves
- Machine & install hard seats
- Machine block surface
- Machine intake surface
- Machine for PC seals
- Machine springs seats for larger springs
- Check chamber CCs
- Check runner CCs
- Flow Study single or all ports
- Port Work
- Align hone main bores
- Mill head surface parallel to mains
- Block true deck surface
- Bore & power hone with torque plate
- Install cam bearings
- Mill manifold side of block
- Install cylinder sleeves
- Disassembly
- Assembly complete
- Degree Cam
- Check piston/valve clearance
- Dyno test engine
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